
Thursday 12 September 2013

       Check Out The Pope's Newest Car

Pope Francis has already made headlines for choosing a five-year-old Ford Focus as his preferred papal transportation, part of a public emphasis on thrift and poverty.

But last weekend, the pontiff expanded his garage with the addition of a 29-year-old sedan with 186,000 miles as his personal car.

According to the Catholic News Agency and others, the car, a 1984 Renault4, was donated to the pope by Italian pastor Renzo Zocca. Zocca had written Pope Francis earlier this year, offering to donate the car which Zocca had used for decades while working in impoverished neighborhoods of Verona, as a symbol of their shared concern for fighting poverty.

A month ago, Francis called Zocca and asked why he didn't just donate the car to someone else who needed it. “I answered that this car had already given much to the poor and now it had to go to the pope," Zocca said.

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